Loners of New York City ((Literate dog role-play))
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Rules: 1. Post a paragraph or more. 2. Proper puncuation/grammer/capitalization, spelling is not a issue. 3. No instant love. 4. No power-playing. 5. No first person mode. ((My character is a black female German Shepherd with white paws and underbelly.)) The rain was pouring hard down onto the bustling city. Even past midnight the city was buzzing with movement and activity. Humans and their cars drove down the busy roads, no one noticed the small skinny form of a German Shepherd padding down the streets. A car raced by and Bell found herself now covered in sticky oily water. She sighed, wishing once more for the warmth of her masters house. But he was gone and now she was left to wander the streets alone. She would run into other dogs now and then, but no one she stuck around with ot got along with for that matter. Most dogs around here kept to themselves, some were even mean when it came down to foraging for scraps in the alleyways. Bells ears were plastered to her head and her tail hung, almost dragging across the sidewalk as she took cover under a empty bench and watched the cars go by.

01-17-2015 at 1:29 PM
Scarlet is a medium red female mutt.)<br /> <br /> Scarlet ears drooped and her fur dragged on the ground. The wet rain ran down her whiskers and dropped with a splat. Her stomach fur rippled, sending a shower of drops onto the pavement below. Her stomach growled again and she moaned softly. Ever since she fell out of the truck a year ago she hadfelt hunger as a knawing pain, eating away at her insides until her stomach was small. She weakly swung her head side to side, sniffing for food. She spotted a slab of meat laying on the sidewalk and darted forward excitedly, but her tail drooped when she saw the two dogs. She knew it wasn't safe, that big dog looked scary, but the prospect of food pulled her until she sat a distance from them, waiting for them to offer. She knew it wasn't likely, but it was worth a try. It wasn't every day you found a hunk of meat.<br />

12-5-2011 at 5:16 PM
(umm.... do i post a skelly?)

09-28-2010 at 11:14 PM
Sha snorted. "If I try to get food out of those garbage cans, one of two things happens: I get caught, or I fall in and have to bark until a human lets me out."<br /><br />He took to nibbling at his chunk of meat, though he wasn't particularly hungry. The humans he lived with kept him supplied with dry kernels of... something... and he didn't often get hungry anymore. He was happy to see Bell eating; it looked as though she hadn't gotten a decent meal in a while. She'd be happier with some food in her belly, and then maybe he could get an interesting story out of her.

09-26-2010 at 11:07 PM
((Random muchxD But nah I don't care.))

09-26-2010 at 8:34 PM
Do you mind if I just test a picture on this forum? >.><br /><img src="http://www.alacritysim.com/images/automated_images/cached_dogs/16815.png?randomstring=142">

09-26-2010 at 1:34 AM
Bell grinned, tail wagging slightly before she sniffed at what Sha had taken away from the gray dog. Meat. <br /><br />She nipped at it before tearing a good sized chunk out of it. She made sure there was still enough for her smaller companion. <br /><br />"Much funner then trying to get it out of cans yourself."

09-26-2010 at 1:05 AM
Sha reached his destination and dropped his prize, then started spinning in circles, yipping excitedly. "Perfect! Perfect! Bell, that was amazing! You really had the bluff on him."<br /><br />It then dawned on him how idiotic he was acting and he ducked his head. "I mean, good work. Have a victory bite."

09-22-2010 at 11:09 PM
Bell lunged forwards towrads the gray dog, barking like mad before she leaped right over the other dog, running after the retreating form of Sha. <br /><br />She could feel the victory cousrsing through her veins, that dog didn't even know what had happened. She smirked to herself, city life did have its perks.

09-22-2010 at 10:55 PM
Sha crouched at the other end of the alley, waiting for his opportunity. He had to hand it to Bell-- she was scary when she wanted to be. The moment she started snarling, the grey dog bolted to his feet and spun to face her, hackles raised and teeth bared.<br /><br />'Come on. Step away from the can,' Sha encouraged him mentally. The dog assumed an aggressive stance and started to walk toward Bell. One step... two... three--<br /><br />That was all Sha needed. His paws barely made a sound as he darted forward, snagged a chunk of meat half his own size and high-tailed it out of there before the now-meal-less dog could turn around.

09-21-2010 at 9:18 PM
Bell trotted after Sha, her ears alert for anything that might mean danger or another dog. She almost stepped on Sha as he suddenly stopped. She heard a snuffling sound and spotted a large gray dog eating out of a shiny metal trash can. <br /><br />Bell sniffed the air, but couldn't tell what was inside it since the gray dogs scent blocked everything else out. She slipped down the indicated direction, the other dog was to busy eating to notice her. She turned and faced him, snarling with her ears held back and her teeth bared.

09-20-2010 at 2:21 AM
Sha leaped to his feet. "Excellent." He took off down the street at a trot, heading for a spot where he'd had success before. Sure enough, behind the nearby restaurant a huge grey dog had managed to overturn a large, heavy trash can and was currently gnawing on a sizable hunk of overdone steak. Sha's tail wagged and he turned to Bell. "You probably could have knocked that trashcan over yourself, but then you'd have to deal with thieves you attracted with the noise. We have the advantage because we ARE the thieves."<br /><br />He crept a bit closer and had to stifle a laugh at the oblivious way the larger dog was eating. He hadn't even bothered to take his food elsewhere. "Bell, you go down that alley and stand in front of him. Make sure he can't reach you with a lunge. Growl at him-- try to make him step away from the food. As soon as he's distracted, I'll grab it and run. You meet me at the store where we were before."

09-18-2010 at 11:08 PM
Bell sighed, should she? She didn't see any harm in it, she was hungry after all and Sha probably didn't really need her help so she should try something at least. She could learn a few tricks from him. <br /><br />She hauled herself to her paws, shaking out her black fur before stepping out from under the overhang and looking around. The rain had stopped, but its scent was still fresh in the air.<br /><br />"I'm ready." she said, turning her head to look over at Sha.
edit history
2010-09-18 16:08:21 by #5876

09-18-2010 at 8:59 PM
At this response, Sha jumped to his feet, tail wagging and tongue lolling out in a smug expression. "Hungry?" he asked.<br /><br />He was willing to bet that Bell would make a great distraction; bigger dogs would see her as a threat and get distracted with the whole 'growl and bristle' act they always seemed to pull, at which point Sha could steal their food. If he could get Bell to agree, they could both get a decent snack.

(The 'rnrn' was a minor glitch from the switchover. I think it's fixed now.)
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2010-09-18 14:00:37 by #3540

09-18-2010 at 3:13 AM
((Sorry for the slow response.))Bell nods, guessing that was how a city dog would get food. Regardless, she couldn't seem to do it. rnrnThe smaller dog seemed at complete ease with his surroundings and this slightly amused Bell. rnrn"I can run fast."rnrnShe used to run all the time in the park with her master, he would throw a ball for her to catch.rnrn((Fail post..it's bugged! No idea why 'rnrn' is there.))
edit history
2010-09-17 20:14:43 by #5876
2010-09-17 20:14:12 by #5876

09-11-2010 at 10:09 PM
Sha gave another mischievous grin and flopped over onto his side, wagging his fluffy tail. "Usually I catch 'em while they're distracted by another dog and grab it while they aren't looking." Occasionally he'd resorted to begging from street vendors, but he could usually get away with larger portions and a greater sense of personal satisfaction if he stole from the larger dogs.<br /><br />He studied Bell and his tail wagged again thoughtfully. "Hey Bell, how fast can you run?"

09-11-2010 at 7:51 AM
Bell's head tilted to the side slightly. Her? Pull a bluff on other dogs? Most did take her for something she was not. She did know that her breed was thought of has aggressive and unstable. But then you never knew with any dog. <br /><br />"You sneak away food? How?"<br /><br />Bell had just been forced to forage through trash cans, and of course you had to be careful not to make to much noise. Her black eyes blinked as thunder rumbled across the sky. But it was faint and the storm seemed to be slowly passing.

09-8-2010 at 6:18 AM
"That's what most of us do," Sha said with an odd mixture of grimness and pride. "I'm sorry; I was just remembering some dogs I used to know. They weren't especially pleasant."<br /><br />The papillion was silent for a moment and then he gave Bell a sly look. "I bet you can put the bluff in on the meaner ones, can't you? A good bluff is worth ten honest fights out here... or so I hear." Sha's tongue lolled out in a doggy grin. "I usually just stole their food and ran." The sly look turned decidedly smug. "Still do, sometimes."

09-8-2010 at 2:23 AM
Bell wondered at Sha's sudden change of behavior. She coudn't place why he was behaving like this either. She guessed he must have been thinking about something that had happened in the past.<br /><br />It seemed that was all everyone did, live in the past and froget the future. "I manage." she shrugs, not going to bring her own struggles onto Sha when she knew he had his own things to worry about.

09-8-2010 at 1:40 AM
Sha's ears perked up. "Several weeks is good. You must be finding food to have survived that long."<br /><br />Food was usually the biggest issue for those who hadn't been born on the streets. Usually. There were the bigger dogs to worry about....<br /><br />The small dog's teeth bared instinctively for a moment, another stray whiff of the chow/husky's scent fueling memories of literally running for his life. Those days were never quite over as long as he ventured out the way he did, but he could never seem to help himself.

09-5-2010 at 8:39 PM
Bell didn't notice that Sha was now quiet. She was still quite lost in her own thoughts. But she was sure now her master would never come. What would she do now? Living on the streets wasn't that bad...once you got used to it. <br /><br />But then again size could be everything. She sighed softly, her breath coming out in a small cloud due to the cold temperature of the rainy weather. <br /><br />"I'm not sure, it's been several weeks though."


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